School Clubs
Creating a project from the start? Use this template with all the Maqueen code-blocks installed!
Move forward and turn left
Make Maqueen move forward
Move in a Zig Zag forever
Walk in a square forever
Make Maqueen do a little dance sequence. Edit the code to make your own sequence of moves for Maqueen!
Show a smiley face and a heart on the micro:bit’s LED display.
Show an arrow on the LED display to show which way Maqueen is turning
Turn on Maqueen’s front lights when Maqueen is moving.
Make Maqueen’s front lights flash on and off.
Make Maqueen follow a path you draw on white paper with a think black line.
Make Maqueen’s front lights flash on and off while moving. Uses variables and loops.
Make Maqueen sing a song.
Make Maqueen’s lights flash and play a siren like a fire engine.
Show how far away an obstacle is in centimetres on Maqueen’s LED display.
Make Maqueen beep and flash lights when reversing.
Make Maqueen automatically avoid obstacles – set Maqueen free around the room!
Template for reversing buzzer and lights.
Obstacle avoiding maqueen upgraded with many other features that we learnt to code!
Template to make Maqueen avoid obstacles.